Climate change policy was one of the main reasons why more than 80 million Americans voted for Joe Biden in the election that Trump falsely claims as rigged. Since Biden’s political agenda drew attention to his ethos as a socially and environmentally responsible presidential candidate, there is no question that more than half of the U.S. population of voters chose Joe over Donald.
Now more than ever, after years of seeing tons of ice sheets melting, incidences of record-breaking heat waves resulting in wildfires, Category 5 hurricanes and record-high flood levels, campaigns for climate change awareness and environment protection have intensified. Even businesses make it a point to provide information about their use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials and processes, as these are aspects that the new generation of consumers find appealing.
Millennials have been noted before as the most environmentally conscious generation, while many Gen Zs, including those who have yet to come of age are following in their footsteps. Credit Suisse, a leading global financial services provider had taken note of how environmentally conscious millennials influenced businesses to focus on sustainable and environment friendly products and methods of operations.
The Need for Businesses to Include Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Traits in Marketing Campaigns
Existing and emerging businesses have found it necessary to highlight their involvement in campaigns calling for environmental protection. Marketing initiatives now highlight the character of brands as an indication of a socially responsible and environment conscious business organization. While it is now common for ecommerce websites to prominently display virtual banners of brand ethos, physical banners in strategic locations are showing more efficiency in yielding positive marketing results.
As most businesses have now shifted to carrying on with transactions online, spreading important notifications by way of traditional banners outside of brick and mortar establishments, remains important. The presence of large visual aids have greater chances of sticking in the minds of consumers, whilst making recall of announcements easier; e.g. seasonal sales events, promotional discounts or announcements of new ecommerce outlets.
Traditional banners are particularly effective when placed in locations where people usually spend moments waiting, including in locations where traffic is heavy. Well thought-of banners provide customers and travelers something to focus on as diversion or form of distraction. Take notice of the creativity of the traditional banners nyc business owners put on display outside of their physical stores. That is despite the limited capacity by which they are allowed to serve customers.
The important message is to inform consumers in general that their business is available online, while highlighting traits as environment-fi\riendly and socially responsible establishments. .
The Banner Blindness Phenomena
Marketing analysts have noted that digital or virtual banners have not been as efficient as they used to be. This prompted psychological studies as means of understanding where problems or deficiencies lie. Related online surveys related to such studies revealed a phenomena called “banner noise” or “banner blindness,” explained as consumers’ typical response toward the influx of banners flooding the Internet, particularly in social media sites.
According to numerous studies, between 86% to 93% of online banner ads have been ignored because consumers automatically skip ads. Actually, the term “banner blindness” was coined in as early as 1998 as part of a test in gauging a website’s usability. While banners became useful in directing consumers to a brand’s website, certain negative developments have made many online consumers wary of pop-up banners and digital banner links for security reasons.